Billionaire sues Facebook after bitcoin scam – now he demands to get the fraudsters’ personal information

Billionaire sues Facebook after bitcoin scam – now he demands to get the fraudsters' personal information

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Wissam Al Mana is a billionaire who is suing social media giant Facebook after his name was used in a bitcoin scam. Now he wants to have access to the fraudsters’ personal data.


Trijo News has previously reported on the bitcoin scams that plague users of social media around the world.

Uses celebrities

Fraud of this type usually uses a fake news article to claim that a celebrity has earned large sums by sending money to a robot that invests in cryptocurrencies.

This fake news article is then circulated on social media in ad posts with the goal of getting unsuspecting people to deposit their own money. However, the money is then gone forever.

Billionaire sues Facebook

Earlier this year, it was reported that Wissam Al Mana, a Qatari billionaire known for having been married to Janet Jackson, is suing Facebook. This after his name was used in one of the scams that have been circulating on the platform.

Now, Wissam Al Mana’s lawyers are demanding that Facebook disclose information of the people who paid for the distribution of the articles on the platform, the Irish Times reports.

The billionaire wants access to the names, addresses and payment methods of the suspected fraudsters. This because he allegedly is worried that they will use his name and picture again.

Might be delayed by coronavirus

The case is decided in Ireland, and the judge wants the legal process to be resolved before taking the request into account.

A decision was expected to come in May this year, but the legal process may be delayed by up to two years due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the Irish Times reports.

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