1 million South Koreans use digital driving licenses that are issued on a blockchain

1 million South Koreans use digital driving licenses that are issued on a blockchain

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Digital driving licenses issued on a blockchain are becoming popular in South Korea.


South Korea has long been known as one of the countries in the world that is at the forefront when it comes to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

Among other things, it has one of the world’s first and most comprehensive crypto laws, something that Trijo News has written about before.

One million new users since May

Another part of the country’s investment in the area is to offer its citizens digital driving licenses that are issued on a blockchain.

The project has only been going on since May this year, but many have already chosen to get the card, Cointelegraph reports.

To date, one million South Koreans have chosen to download the card to their phones. It represents just over three percent of the country’s car drivers.

Works like a regular driver’s license

In addition to its function as a driving license, the digital card can also be used as an ID card, just like a regular driving license, Cointelegraph writes.

Previously, it has been reported that 13,000 of South Korea’s ATMs will soon be litecoin compatible. You can read about that here.

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