Facebook’s crypto chief: I would take out my entire salary in libra

Facebook's crypto chief: I would take out my entire salary in libra

Bildkälla: Trijo News

David Marcus, head of Facebook’s crypto department Calibra, has visited the Senate and answered questions about the company’s upcoming cryptocurrency libra.


Facebook’s upcoming cryptocurrency libra has encountered a lot of resistance from politicians and other rulers recently.

Among other things, US President Donald Trump has made a negative statement about the project.

The US Congress has also been critical of the project. Therefore, in order to sort out the question marks about Facebook’s project, they invited the company to a hearing in the Senate on Tuesday.

Questions about integrity

The head of Facebook’s crypto company Calibra David Marcus was asked to answer questions about integrity and how great power Facebook will have over libra.

David Marcus also had to answer a question about whether he would take out his own salary in libra. His response was brief and concise.

“Yes, I would, because libra is backed by a reserve of assets”, he said according to Coindesk.

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